Monday, April 25, 2011

Klute Creative writing

There are two categories of people that love running. The first category is someone who loves stepping on the treadmill or going to the park as if it’s show for someone else. They wear shorts that match their shoes which also match their sports bra. They are overly concerned with how they look and are not there to partake in a good workout. They want the attention of others and spend extra time getting ready just so they look presentable. They do not have the mindset of an athlete and are merely there long enough to grab the attention of a guy they have been trying to impress. I have gone to the gym way too many times and I have seen girls that do this. For me, I try to ignore them because clearly they are not there for the right reasons. Although, I could never be like that, it’s not my place to say if what they are doing is right or wrong.

Then, there is another category of someone who loves running. This person gets excited in the morning thinking about being able to run within the next couple of hours. They are not concerned with how they look and spend more time thinking about how they can challenge themselves in their workout. This type of person feels a “high” from running 5, 6, or ten miles every day. When they step onto that treadmill they separate themselves from the rest of the world and get into a true runner’s mindset. Time doesn’t matter to people who love running. It’s an addiction for them and they feel anxiety when they don’t take time out of their day to go for a run. For me, this is how I define my love for running. I use running as a tool for stress relief and I genuinely feel better after I have cleared my mind with a run. I don’t work out for anyone but myself and I’m not there to impress people either. I was on the cross country team and everyone I ran with described the idea of the “runner’s high.” You could be in the worst mood before practice but afterwards you felt a million times better. Running gives you a chance to do something for yourself and escape from the stresses of the world.

These two people love running in completely different ways. One form of love is not very committed, shallow, and egotistical. The opposing form of love is passionate, genuine, and everlasting.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with this. I've seen girls at the gym who merely work out to gain the attention of others. When I was running numerous miles a day, I did in fact feel the runners high that people talk about. I felt wonderful after a good workout and that made me want to run again the next day.

    I actually had a friend in high school who often felt depressed during school and would skip a few periods and go for a run then come back to school. I'm not saying this is what you should do, but it was quite crazy to think that he felt bad until he ran, therefore had to skip class in order to run.
