Wednesday, April 6, 2011

James Robbins Individual Post Question 2

An argument occurring in the comments of the article was rather this was a good decision or not. Some find it great that there are still morals around, and others find it absolutely horrific that such a thing has happened. When commenting, I took the middle ground of the argument. I believe that although the honor code at BYU is ridiculous and has gone too far, Brandon agreed to these terms and should be punished for violating it.

When every student decides that BYU is the school that they are going to attend, they are required to sign an honor code stating that they would abide for their rules. For example, some of these rules include no caffeine, premarital sex, or smoking. If any of these rules are broken, there will be serious consequences. Brandon found this out the hard way. He should have been more responsible and followed the rules placed on him by the university.

As stated earlier, one person is arguing that BYU has morals and that anyone that doesn’t abide by these are immoral people. I completely disagree with this person. Even though premarital sex is a sin, I don’t think our God would say that a fair punishment was to kick him off of the basketball team and possibly the school altogether. Basketball was probably this kid’s love and he put his heart and soul into the game. God would never take away something as precious as this to a person no matter the circumstances. If he is expelled from the university, this could be a drastic setback in his life that he may never be able to come back from. Even though he did break the rule, I think this is far too much of a punishment.


  1. I agree that the rules for BYU is way to stiff for college athletes. The rule about no caffiene is insane and i don't think that he should be punished for being kicked off a basketball for premarital sex, but there should be a punishment from the university.

  2. I do agree that that the punishments are a little ridiculous but the player did agree to the terms of the agreement. therefore he must be held accountable
