Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Group 6

We have been talking a lot in class about gender roles, both male and female. The article that we (Group 6) decided to talk about today discusses metrosexuality and what gender roles metrosexuals fall under.

The article was found in the New York Times in the Style section, and is from 2003. The main point of the article is that metrosexual men are becoming more and more common and are becoming more accepted by society. Advertisers like Axe and Old Spice are starting to appeal to the more groomed and well kept man. The metrosexual man that they describe, Karru Martinson, " likes wine bars and enjoys shopping with his gal pals, who have come to trust his eye for color, his knack for seeing when a bag clashes with an outfit, and his understanding of why some women have 47 pairs of black shoes. (''Because they can!'' he said.) ". These hobbies/qualities are usually seen as feminine but the line is becoming blurred.

The difference between metrosexuals now and a few years back is that these guys are not ashamed of who they are. They are proud of their great fashion sense, hair products, and the fact that it helps them to get girls. One man was quoted as saying ''It doesn't bother me at all. Call it homosexual, feminine, hip, not hip -- I don't care. I like drawing from all sorts of sources to create my own persona.'' These men are used by marketers to find the latest trends, because these are the guys that are going to splurge on the newest thing.

The funny thing is that metrosexual was a term coined to mock marketers. Gay writer Mark Simpson created it to satirize consumerisms toll on traditional masculinity. Traditional masculinity is tough, strong, and dirty. While marketers tended to reach out for the sensitive guy who went to malls and enjoyed spending money on hair products. This was used as a way to reach an even broader audience.

Why do you think metrosexuality is so easily accepted into society but homosexuality is not? How do you feel knowing that metrosexual is a term coined from marketing? Metrosexuals have become more normal in our pop culture largely because of marketing efforts to increase consumer spending within the male demographic. What do you think this says about our culture?


  1. I think metrosexuality is so easily accepted because everyone likes someone who knows how to take care of themselves and knows how to look good. I think that metrosexuality is more accepted as of right now than homosexuality because homosexuality is still up and coming and some people still do not agree or feel comfortable with the idea of that and will not be openminded about what other people may want.

    Also the fact that this term was made in order to increase consumer spending is someone funny to me because I never expected that. It just goes to show how much emphasis our society puts on looks.

  2. I think that this says a lot about our society and culture. We are slowly moving towards the direction of acceptance for people different than the "norm" of society. This could translate into the enhancement of human rights, which could lead to a better situation for members of the LGBT community. I think male celebrities are the ones at the top of this trend because looking trendy and styling is a part of their job description.

  3. I believe that this definitely means that the media and our culture is becoming more open minded and is adapting to the new day and age. The media has absolutely helped metrosexuals feel more comfortable due to more and more adverstisements and clothing stores that are ideal for that stereotype i guess you could say. The ads due try to connect with all men and I think that they have done well with that because most men do have a sensitive side and it can connect with even the manliest man, even if he doesn't admit to it. This article helps show that our society is shaping, slowly but surely, to our new trends and activities.

  4. I think it has become more accepted as time went on just because of society's moving forward and becoming more open minded. This is leading people to become more admitting of certain things they do that were once considered "gay". I do think its hypocritical however for these same people to put down homosexuals.

  5. I think that people accpeting metrosexuality is a good step towards people eventually accepting homosexuality in our culture. It isn't too surprising that the term metrosexual came from marketing because so much of our country revolves around marketing and consumerism. I think that metrosexuality is accepted more easily than homosexuality because these men are still heterosexual, they just are more into fashion and that they are more sensitive.

  6. Metrosexuality is so easily accepted into society but homosexuality is not because metrosexuality is essentially just a different type of style while homosexuality involves not only a different style, but it also goes against the traditional view of a relationship as being between a man and a woman. I believe that most criticism on homosexuality is lead on by the churches and the various religions that go against homosexuality. Metrosexuality does not threaten any core values, and it is just a type of dress/grooming style that people can adopt.

  7. I think the reason why society easily accept metrosexuality is that metrosexuality is may be idealistic image of men that women think. But, the reason why homosexuality cannot easily accepted from the society is because they know the fact that they love same gender (or sexuality). Big difference between metrosexual and homosexual is metrosexual loves different gender and society knows that.

  8. As it was stated in class, really I feel that this is big step in the right direction towards acceptance of people who don't necessarily pertain to what most would call the norms of society. It seems to show this trend towards people who are different than ourselves is growing and expanding. Soon maybe we will see more acceptance of homosexuals or of others who feel a little prejudice in our society.

  9. I think metrosexuality is more easier than homosexuality because in the ads the metrosexual terms are usually describes as a better way for men to get girls instead of for gays to find boys. The ads is trying to convince us that metrosexual is another way of showing your masculinity. Sometimes, if a man is very popular among girls, no one will think he is girly or not enough tough,strong.

  10. I feel that the world is accepting gay more and more and that soon there won't be any more controversies dealing with gay. The idea of metrosexual is like the people in between gay and straight. I feel that with this middle place, it gives a point where everyone can relate to each other. If people can relate to each other then they will be less likely to have a problem.

  11. I think this attitude is mostly a business decision. It's already an existing attidude and culture, and marketers are just trying to take further advantage of it.

  12. This could be seen as a step forward for equality. But why do we need to put labels on everything? Without coining the term "metrosexual" would we as a society still have grown more accepting of others? Or is it merely because we are labeling each other that we are more accepting.
    Not sure, just something more to think about.

  13. i don't think there is anything wrong with being a metrosexual and i strong disagree with the fact that is being compared to with homosexuality. metrosexuals like to take care of their looks while homosexuals dress a certain way. metrosexuals are neat and organize and use a little too much hair product that the average guy. a metrosexual can be masculine, there's nothing worng with a guy who like to look good all the time.

  14. I believe that the increase in metrosexuality shows that our country is relying on television more and more to find their style of clothing and appearance. Popular shows like Jersey Shore make people believe that their look is the cool look and that everyone should follow them. People will continue to watch and idolize the people on shows like this and follow their trends.

  15. i think that metrosexuality is a more "friendly" and comfortable term used by americans because some are still homophobic. I am not saying that if your metrosexual you are automatically gay, but i do think this term is allowing people to be more comfortable with the idea

  16. I think metrosexuality has come to be more excepted in today's society because it isn't directly related to a sexual orientation. Being homosexual or heterosexual you are declaring your sexual preferences and in our country that's a big deal. But metrosexuality is more of a way in which you present yourself. The word itself is misleading because it really has nothing to do with sex.
