Thursday, March 31, 2011

Moseley Sample Primary Sources In this clip, it shows some of the men's stereotypical views of love. It explains how men only want sex and feel that being important and having expensive things is all that matters. In this super bowl Go Daddy clip, they make the views think that the girls were naked because the writers knew that the target audience of the super bowl was men. They did this because they know that to get the attention of men, a good way is to use sex.


  1. I could not get your first video to work for some reason, but the second clip worked for me. I always found those godaddy commercials as almost trying to hard to grab attention. All of their commercials use the same tactics as well so you will have plenty of clips to go on.

  2. sorry i must of typed it in wrong, the correct link is

  3. I agree with Nick. They are trying way too hard. I think the fact that they had the actresses that they had alone would have caught any man's eye much less them thinking that they were naked. These commercials won't be very hard to breakdown and I think that they would something good to use.

  4. I've seen a lot of those Go Daddy commercials and they're all about naked women. I don't even know what Go Daddy is but I'm sure after men saw those commercials it compelled them to check out their website.
